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Always consult your GP or Consultant before you cease taking prescription medication.
You should stop the following treatments 6 Weeks before treatment commences
You should refrain from these throughout your treatment course, you can recommence your treatment 6 weeks after you have completed all your treatments.
7-14 Days before treatment…
Before you commence the leg thread vein injectable treatment (Microsclerotherapy) course your Practitioner will be aware of any other on-going treatments that are already underway, for example laser hair removal. Whilst you will not need to stop these treatments where possible it is always better if you can. If you intend to continue the Practitioner will advise of a safe treatment plan.
3 Days before treatment…
Day Before or Day of treatment …
Remove any hair from the treatment area, the area will be cleaned throughly before any treatment, but you should avoid camouflage make-up & body moisturiser if possible and do not use perfumed products even if these are sprays.
it is essential that you wear compression hosiery immediately following your treatment and for a period of 10 days following treatment. The compression hosiery should be medical grade with a moderate compression. Compression hosiery can be purchased easily but it is advisable to but good quality hosiery that will last throughout the treatment period.
You should refrain from high impact exercise for 14 days post treatment
Exercise such as walking, cycling or swimming (after 48 hours) is fine, if your legs are exposed ensure that you use an UVA/UVB SPF
You should try to put your feet whenever possible for the first two weeks following treatment. You can continue to wear your compression hosiery for longer than 10 days if you feel more comfortable.
Serious side effect associated with this treatment are rare, you should always report any concerns in a timely manner.
Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can include shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, difficulty swallowing, swelling of the tongue, eyelids, lips, hoarseness of the voice, stomach pain, nausea or diarrhoea. If you have any of the above symptoms please report to your nearest Accident & Emergency Department or call 999 for an ambulance.
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