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Never stop taking medication which is prescribed by your GP or Consultant without their knowledge. If you are uncertain regarding any medication or topical either over the counter or prescribed please check with your Practitioner.
You will not be using any other cosmetic products whilst you are using the Obagi Systems, the chances are it will expire if already opened so don’t be tempted to use as this will reduced the effectiveness of the Obagi Products.
Ensure that you are prepared, standard make-up contains ingredients and oils that will interfere with the active ingredients of the Obagi Systems and you will have reduced therapeutic effect. You must use ONLY 100% MINERAL MAKE-UP. Sometimes make-up is labelled mineral makeup but is not 100%, your practitioner can advise regarding suitable brands. Obagi also have a tinted SPF with 2 shades.
You can purchase Jane Iredale Mineral Make-up in our Store alongside the Obagi Products Shop Here
Before you commence the Obagi Systems your Practitioner will be aware of any other on-going treatments that are already underway, for example laser hair removal, or skin treatments. Whilst you will not need to stop these treatments where possible it is always better if you can. It is advised that you stop using your active Obagi Products 5 days before and do not re-commence using them for 3 days post procedure.
Your Practitioner will provide you with the directions for use this will include how to measure the active products, they will ensure that you will avoid undertreating whilst ensuring safe dosing. Do not be tempted to under or overtreat, you will have regular reviews where dosing can be discussed. You MUST attend all review appointments, this is part of the treatment plan, and is critical to your treatment outcome.
It can be tempting to look for cheaper products on the internet, you will absolutely find these products cheaper, however, usually the products are not genuine, they are sophisticated copies and can be at best useless and at worst harmful. You are paying for genuine products and the expertise of your Practitioner and the follow-up care provided.
If you do purchase the products from other suppliers or from other clinics your care plan will be terminated and you will be unable to purchase products from here. The online shop provides the most competitive pricing, and is delivered direct to your door from the Pharmacy, ensuring they genuine and have correct expiry dates Shop Here
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